Womanhood Journal 2021
(Where it all began.)
The theme for International Women’s Day 2021 was ‘Choose to Challenge’ and these were the key thought-starters that served as prompts for each contributor’s individual piece:
A challenged world is an alert world
Individually, we're all responsible for our own thoughts and actions - all day, every day
We can choose to challenge and call out gender bias and inequity. We can choose to seek out and celebrate women's achievements
Collectively, we can all help create an inclusive world
From challenge comes change, so let's all choose to challenge
We recognise that there is power in sharing stories; for inspiration, education, and to uplift others. In the first journal we shared authentic stories from a diverse range of admirable women. Each woman wrote their own story in their own words, and all were brave enough to share their unique journey.
Thank you for being part of the first chapter, which we’re proud to say received a mention on the IWD website.
Photos below by Helen Lea-Wall of The Nomad Creative.